After several attempts, I am happy to have my piece, Rue Saint-Sulpice, Paris in the show. It is a stained glass mosaic reflecting a memory of my first visit to ...
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The Juried Winter Show is on view now through at the newly renovated Art Complex Museum in Duxbury. The show runs through March 18, 2023 and can be seen Wed-Sun 1-4pm. My piece in the show, called The Paramount, Boston is a multi-media mosaic of the famed Boston theater.
Opening Reception: Sunday December 18, 2022
Awards ceremony 2pm
189 Alden Street, Duxbury, MA
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Fuller Craft Museum in collaboration with the New England Mosaic Society opened its juried exhibit: Mosaics Today: Ancient Art Through a Contemporary Lens July 2nd. I am thankful to have my portrait of Urkraine President Volodymyr Zelensky included in this exhibit. The show features the varied styles of 27 mosaic artists and can be viewed at the museum at 455 Oak Street, Brockton, MA, Tues – Sun 10am-5pm.
Reception will be held August 27 | 3:00 to 5:30pm.
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Was thrilled to be recognized by the Duxbury Art Association for Best in Show in the 105th Art by the Bay show. My submission, Monterosso al Mare, Cinque Terre, Italy is a mixed media mosaic cityscape of the town of Monterosso on the west coast of Italy that I visited in 2016. I incorporated stained and smalti glass, vitreous tile, millefiore, and beads in the piece. The show features a wide range of media and ...
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